She was born Keith David Hull in St Albans on May 25 1946 and grew up in nearby Harpenden. When Keith was seven, his parents became Jehovah’s Witnesses. In consequence he left school after taking just four O levels, his parents maintaining that further education was pointless as the end of the world was nigh.
Aged 21 Keith Hull became a sales rep at Hoover, and married Marilyn, with whom he had twin sons and a daughter. Promoted to area manager, he became head of Saga DIY Retail and then sales and marketing director of the Hestair Group.
As a child Keith had dreamed of being a girl and enjoyed dressing up in girls’ clothes, often playing the female roles in plays that he and his friends put on. When he grew up he tried to live a conventional life as a businessman, husband and father, but the strain began to tell.
“I didn’t know what was wrong with me for a long time,” Stephanie Lloyd recalled. “I knew I wasn’t gay and when I met the girl I married and everything was all right I felt nothing but relief. But it came back to haunt me and then I was diagnosed.”
Keith’s wife was understanding when he began dressing up in women’s clothes, but after he decided to take the plunge and become a woman, through a specialist psychologist at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, and surgery at Charing Cross Hospital, London, she left, taking their children with her.
At the end of 1983 Keith Hull left his job and returned early the next year as Stephanie Anne Lloyd – Stephanie Anne after the names of her sons, Stephen and Andrew, and Lloyd from her chequebook. “Gender reassignment is a long, painful journey, “ she explained later. “It’s only when the options are either gender reassignment or suicide that you take this path. This is the last resort.”
When one of her work colleagues sold the story to the Daily Mirror, however, Hestair found itself besieged by reporters and Stephanie was persuaded to resign. “I became a pariah overnight,” she said. “All the companies who wanted to headhunt me suddenly didn’t want to know.” She was “disfellowshipped” as an unrepentant wrongdoer by the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who told her parents to regard her as dead.
“I lost my job and my family and everything,” Stephanie recalled. “People are frightened of anything that isn’t the 'norm’. It’s very difficult for people to understand transsexualism. You are born into the perfect body of one gender but you have the brain of the other.”
She decided to open a beauty salon for transvestites, and advertised in the Manchester Evening News for investors. She received two replies – one from Raiko Ristic, the brother of her beautician, and another from David Booth, who owned a chain of supermarkets with his wife.
They found a suitable property in Prestwich, and in October 1984 they opened Transformation. When the business struggled, Stephanie was advised by a solicitor that she could legitimately offer “additional services” and established a massage parlour with prostitution services on the side. A year later she and Ristic were charged with running a bawdy house and Stephanie was given a suspended sentence. Shortly afterwards David Booth’s wife threw her husband out of the family home.
Despite such setbacks, the partners expanded the business, opening a London branch near Euston Station and another in Birmingham, diversifying into clothes and other products for transvestites and transsexuals, and launching Britain’s first transgender mail order catalogue – together with a contact magazine. A sideline in producing soft porn films for the transgender community, however, led to a prosecution under the Obscene Publications Act. Transformation was fined £6,000, and Stephanie and Ristic were each sentenced to one year in prison. Stephanie was released on appeal from a women’s open prison near York three months later.
By this time David Booth and Stephanie had become lovers and in 1986, as it was not then legal to marry in Britain, they were married in Sri Lanka. As Transformation went from strength to strength, expanding overseas, Stephanie founded the Albany Clinic to provide specialist medical advice and guidance services for transsexuals. In 1991 she published her memoirs, Stephanie: A Girl in a Million.
In the early 1990s, Stephanie and her husband moved to a smallholding near Corwen, Denbighshire, where they took in rescue animals, and in 2002 they bought the Bodidris Hall hotel in Llandegla, which grew into Llangollen Hotels, a chain catering, among other things, for “transsexual getaways” and (following the change in the law) weddings for gay and lesbian couples.
“We cater for anybody and everybody, and I don’t have a problem with anything that adults do in private,” she explained. “We have only two rules – that you must behave appropriately, without being drunk, and must be able to pay the bill.”
Stephanie and David married again in 2006 at a ceremony at one of their hotels, and in 2009, after becoming a reality television star, Stephanie was appointed leader of the Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism.
In 2008-9 she starred in a BBC Wales reality television series, Hotel Stephanie, which showed the straight-talking transsexual struggling to transform the Wynnstay, a rundown hotel in Wrexham, into a thriving business in the middle of the recession.
The BBC promoted the show as “a candid and often hilarious insight into Stephanie’s world, revealing how she deals with daily disasters and management calamities as well as staying one step ahead of her competitors.”
“Most people who meet me are fine,” she told an interviewer, though she admitted that she had learned never to tell people of her identity as a transsexual when they were in the middle of eating their soup.
In early 2011 Stephanie announced her intention to take over Wrexham Football Club to save it from going into administration but withdrew after a few months, claiming to have received death threats. In July that year her hotels went into administration following a dispute with the Inland Revenue over an unpaid £800,000 tax bill.
Stephanie Lloyd died following a tractor accident at her smallholding.
She is survived by her husband, by an adopted child, by two stepchildren and by the children of her first marriage.
Stephanie Anne Lloyd, born May 25 1946, died September 18 2016
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